Ansible playbook for managing k8s ops
Run Korifi on debian based OS running on Raspberry Pi's / vms
NSX-T Password expiry
Upgrading TKGs on vCenter 8u3
Kubernetes Addons List
Tanzu Platform with CloudFoundry Runtime
Part 3 - Creating OCI images for arm64
Part 1 - Assigining a static IP and allowing password based Auth on Ubuntu 23.10
Part 2 - Install kubernetes on Raspberry Pi 4 - 8GB
Thoughts on Migration COTS applications
Troubleshoot the workload clusters
Self Signed Certificates - Not standards compliant
CLI for Automating the configuration of Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu
Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu
Harbor Installation on Ubuntu
Error with TKG cluster provisioning
Deploy TKG 1.3 on vSphere, with AVI Load Balancer
Concourse jobs are waiting too long before kicking off
Headless builds for container images
VMware Avi Deployment and integration with k8s clusters
vSphere 7 + Workload Management + HAProxy
TKG on vSphere 7
vSphere 7 + Workload Management
Setup Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) on vSphere 6.7u3
Transfer AWS domain from one account to another using AWS CLI
Calculating IPs Available Using Bosh
How to monitor Bosh Director?
Harbor & Docker Images
Transfer all git repos to another org
Build and upload docker images using concourse
homebrew tap for concourse and Pivotal cli's
Proxies with cloud foundry
Certificates and their order of deployment
Custom ASGs for Cloud Foundry
Ubuntu - Adding additional hard drives
Book for Cloud foundry Developers
'bosh create' fails due to disk format issue on vSphere
Deleting BOSH locks
Using Vault as Credential Manager with Concourse
Docker Docker
Useful Plugins for CloudFoundry operators
CloudFoundry Monitoring Dashboard
Session Replication with an External Gemfire Server for Applications deployed within CloudFoundry
SHA1 error when using brew upgrade
Steps for setting up Elasticsearch, logstash and Kibana on Ubuntu 15.04
Setup LDAP on Ubuntu 15.04
SSH into the warden containers running within a DEA in bosh-lite
Installing bosh-lite on your Mac's
Cloudfoundry plugin with STS/Eclipse with Self Signed Certificates
Resolving domain names on Mac
Install Jenkins setup on Mac
RabbitMQ Dead lettering
Changing RabbitMQ mnesia database location
Vagrantup - Multiple machine setup
RabbitMQ Cluster setup on RHEL 6.4
RabbitMQ and SSL configuration
Hosting iOS and Android apps from your own portal
Maven Java Service Wrappers
Running batch file as a service (Windows XP only)
Spring profiles and tomcat
JSON Parsing
Install and Configuration of various softwares
Github Cheats
Restful Services
Technical references
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