This is part 3 of playing around with kubernetes on Raspberry Pi’s.

After installing the kubernetes clusters on Raspberry Pi’s, I encountered an issue with running my application on it.

I noticed a /exec error in the logs on my pod.

After inspecting this, I realized I was trying to run a OCI image that was generated with amd64 on an arm architecture hardware.

My initial docker file was using openjdk:16-jdk-alpine as the base image, which had support for only amd64.

I switch the base image to openjdk:22-jdk-slim, as it supported both amd64 and arm64

With this change, there was a need to generate images for my application for both amd64 and arm64

  • To do this, I used docker cli to create and push the OCI images first.
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t rjain/sample-k8s-app:latest-amd64 --push .
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t rjain/sample-k8s-app:latest-arm64 --push .
  • Next I created a manifest file to reference it on docker hub, that made both the images available under 1 tag ``` docker manifest create
    –amend rjain/sample-k8s-app:latest-amd64
    –amend rjain/sample-k8s-app:latest-arm64

docker manifest push rjain/sample-k8s-app:latest

* Once the images were available in docker hub, I was able to [deploy]( my app, and validate it using my ingress endpoint


{“greetingMessage”:”Hi from k8s deployment!!”} ```

NOTE: I created a A record for * that maps to one of the kubernetes node