If you’re here, then you are looking to explore cloudfoundry, and wondering if there is a script that you could use to setup bosh-lite on your local machine (Mac’s). Guess what, you’re lucky, as there’s one script available out there on git.

  • Clone the repo https://github.com/pivotalservices/bosh-lite-install
  • If you’re using vagrant and virtualbox, then choose option 1, and if you’ve purchased a VMWare fusion plugin license for vagrant, then choose option 2
  • Follow the steps provided on the git repo
  • You might have to run this script 2-3 times to ensure everything is setup properly

Most of the issues that I faced with this script are to do with network connectivity or required softwares like xcode missing on my Mac.

Please leave your comments if you find any issues with this tool. All the best and enjoy!! You’re now using the coolest platform for developing your awesome applications!!